Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Escaping the Homeschool Matrix ....Follow this link!

Hi there, everyone!

I just found out that Nancy Carter of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine mentioned me in her e-mail. Some of you may have landed here, expecting to find the story. This is just my personal blog. If you're wanting to skip to the story,

It's actually right here, TOS: Escaping the Homeschool Matrix

Thanks for reading! If you're interested in what else I have to say about homeschooling, or whatever else is going on, please make yourself at home! 

I'll be lion around here if you want to comment in.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Can We Park Here Or Not?

If you Google images like Funny Street Signs, you'll find all sorts of genuine bureaucratic boo-boos, mistakes, and botched jobs. I ran across my own where I live. When we were looking for a handicapped parking space, my wife and I noticed something was a little

It wouldn't be so bad if this wasn't a city crew's paint job. I guess with the recession, they're having to freehand it.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Celebration Of Life, Of Memories, and Of Love

Writing, it seems, makes thoughts stick.

My dad is 70, as of August. His own dad never made it to 70. Perhaps as a celebration of sorts, he is writing his memoirs. And he's doing so with the patient help of my mom. I'm very proud to know he's doing this and more than a little excited! His memories are parts of my own history, and more importantly, a legacy that I can pass on to my own children and their children's children. That is, if Jesus doesn't come back before then, which is one of my dad's favorite caveats. He's anxiously waiting for Him, and so am I.

Still, if He does delay, I will have the memories of my dad long after he passes on, in the earthly sense. I say "in the earthly sense," because my dad really won't die. Sure, his body may stop living, and I will be very sad to see him leave. But he's going somewhere special. ;-)

A friend lost her uncle, in the earthly sense of course, last week. She's sad and we talked for a while, but like Paul said, we don't mourn like those who have no hope. The more I think about death, the more I am convinced it doesn't exist for the Christian. Again, we see the body they leave behind, but it's uncanny how many times I have heard relatives, after they've viewed the body of their loved one, state that their loved one isn't there. Call it a "death mask," or whatever, but based on my own experiences, I can confirm that the body is a shell that we leave behind and that dying isn't the end.

So, if Jesus does not return before I die, I have my dad's writings to help me remember and hold onto the good. And if that isn't something worth celebrating, I don't know what is! Whether with a camera, a paintbrush, or a pen, it is a good thing to make memories stick. Death cannot claim them if we are sure to make them last.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thanks For Reading Patiently

Wow! You're still here! Thank you!

Sometimes I'm amazed anyone reads my stuff or hangs in there long enough to read when I do actually post. For these people, I am truly thankful. And maybe I can offer an explanation of where I'm at.

Picture blogging as farming. There are some massive producers out there. Everyday, or even every few hours, some blogs produce a new post. It's as if they're a large co-op, delivering from a silo on demand. I'm more like a simple family farm, delivering as harvests come available. Sometimes, I need to let land lie fallow as well, because of my disability or other shortcomings. I harvest when what He plants has ripened enough. I sell it from a little stand, and I don't worry about much except what God wants to do next. I trust Him for the growth and the increase.

Thanks again for being patient! I hope to produce the quality worthy of His name.