Friday, July 15, 2005

Checked Out

This post was originally published on my first blog, "Dad's Corner." You can view the original post at:

If you've been home schooling for any length of time, by now you've discovered the benefits of the local library.  There, parents and their children can peruse books and check them out without any cost.  This is a boon to readers and parents looking for new ideas.  

Of course, the books always are due back in a few weeks.  A few years ago, I discovered that not only books were available, but DVD's as well.  I found they carried Star Trek: The Next Generation in the boxed sets and I put all 7 seasons on reserve.  Every few weeks or so, one will come available and I go down to pick it up for a week.  For someone who likes watching every episode, this is painful.  I attempt to cram 14 hours of viewing into my week somewhere, bumping other lower priority things like hobbies off the ladder for the week.  I'm tempted often to think, "If I only owned these box sets, I could come to them whenever I like."  Yet, I've found that I rarely trot out the DVD's I already own.  We realize that we only have a short time with the checked-out materials and so those take priority over the ones sitting in our collection. 

I don't own my children.  Sure, I am their father and it is my responsibility to guide and teach them, but they will not always be with me.  I have them on an 18 year loan, with possible extensions.  They deserve the highest amount of care and attention I can give.  I will always have hobbies and sports to follow, but these one-of-a-kind works of art are on loan.  All too soon they will no longer be in my possession.  I don't want to miss a minute!

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