Monday, May 21, 2007

Guns -- Fox Two, Or Fox And Hen?

You know, it's kind of interesting that both of my other posts today involved guns, one showing the damage from using one and the other advocating an armed populace. For some folks, that might be a non sequitur. The problem is that they focus in on the gun, not the user of it. In Hamoody's case, the gun that did the damage to that little boy was wielded by a homicidal zealot. In Idaho, guns are carried out in the open by young men who probably wear it while they're mowing a neighbor's lawn and loading a van with groceries. When you compare the Muslim zealots to the Idahoan boys on how they value human life, who do you think comes out ahead?

Power will always exist. Who has it and who wants it determines the future of nations. If someone is empowered, pray that they are moral and just, and do your best to instill these traits in those around you. Our military retains those traits, Abu Ghraib notwithstanding. Our police officers, at least those near us retain those traits. It is a much different story in other countries.

I will finish with a quote just in from Mike Evans,
The same ideologues who fought to destroy the soul of America with the “God is dead” movement in the ‘60s are now running the arts, the universities, the media, the State Department, Congress, and Senate, determined more than ever to kill the soul of America while the East attempts to kill the body.

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