Thursday, May 15, 2008

Encouraging Defection

A lot of folks are talking about Expelled from Ben Stein. As if liberals were the only ones who could make a documentary. I haven't yet seen it, but I've followed Stein for years and I know that Bueller Bueller boy is right on course.

The frustrating thing is that the establishment will not admit Darwin's theory of macro-evolution is a bunch of hopeless fiction. They will not admit an error, for fear that the Pope will knock on their door with a writ and a warm spot by the fire picked out for them. They won't even say they don't know. Rather than admit there is a Designer, I believe that most neo-Darwinists would claim a sweater as correctly tangled yarn. Um, guys, you can come out now. It's okay to say Darwin was a little off and that Sagan seems creepy even in reruns on the Science channel. If the inquisitor of dogmatic Science taps you on the shoulder, you'll be in good company.

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