Monday, June 9, 2008

Unstalled - Ritter's Heedless March Against Privacy

Who's in the stall next to you on your next trip to the restroom?

That question's going to be on a lot of people's minds, including mine, after hearing about Colorado's Gov. Bill Ritter signing S.B. 200 into law. This law is so poorly written, critics are expecting it to give license to all sorts of abuses. From the article:

"It is now legal in the state of Colorado for a grown man to walk into a girl's restroom in an elementary school for whatever purpose, and it is illegal for the school to say you can't do that," said Schneeberger. "What we're really concerned about is sexual predators … who want to prey on young boys or young girls in particular, who would use the confusion caused by this law to victimize our children."

I know that the likelihood of this happening is somewhat low, but then who thought the price of gas would double in two years? Unlikely things still happen and the longer this sits on the books, the more likely this poorly written law will be abused and some child ends up scarred. Under this law, my wife and children no longer have a right to privacy when they're using public restrooms, or even a pool locker room as a public accomodation. Under this law, a man with a wig and a beard could wander into the "Women's" restroom, spy on my family, and I would be legally powerless to do anything about it. All this person would need to do is yell, "Help, I'm being discriminated against!" and the ACLU will be at his side in a heartbeat. Enter the lawyers. Exit my rights.

I try not to get nostalgic, but this never would have seen the light of day under Bill Owens, our state's last governor. But now Jennifer Viega, Bill Ritter and the rest of the Denver Democrats are pushing their agenda, heedless of the damage it does to our rights.

More reading

1 comment:

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

I know I blogged it already but I am still so surprised that this is true and actually happening!

It makes no sense. But then again, so many politicians and activist judges and people in general are losing more and more sense than ever before-- talk about UNcommon sense!