Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Becoming a Wheeled One

You never know what will happen until you try it. For instance, Arava, a paralyzed turtle shows up at an Israel zoo. They strap a modified skateboard to her body and she's getting around in more ways than one. An amorous 10 year old turtle decides he likes her as a moving target and now the poor Arava's pregnant.

I have been contemplating getting a powered wheelchair to help me get around and be able to explore things more with my family. I had always been the adventurous one until my condition prevented it. Now, if I get my wheels under me, I'm wondering what's going to happen to me and my family, especially in light of the turtle story!

I know I need one. I can't go on walks with my kids and I can't go to the mall without ending up in long-term recuperation and taking heavy painkillers to keep things under control. I need the ability to walk with my kids, to explore new things, to go to museums and plays and anything else I can think of. I feel like too much of my life is just passing me by and I need to get out and thrive!

For the longest time, I've felt like getting a power chair is admitting defeat and giving up on ever walking unassisted. I still haven't given up on the dream, but doggedly holding on to one dream is causing the rest of my life to die in the waiting. I can't let that happen anymore! I'm going to fight it folks! I'm going to get some wheels and, hopefully have better luck than the turtle.

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