Sunday, October 5, 2008

CBS and Fox Ruining My NFL Sundays

My son is football these days. He eats and sleeps and breathes football. He loves Sunday. The only problem he has with watching football remains what I have always hated about watching football: the junk the networks decide to advertise during the breaks.

Do I really want to see a man lying in a pool of his own blood, CBS? Hey Fox, is Stewie's obsession with Bryan's saliva really worth showing to millions of young football fans? It's disgusting, you network half-wits! The NFL has Play 60 ads airing right next to this stuff because they know the kids are watching. I have a hard time believing that the networks don't know their own demographics.

I've harped on this issue before--and I don't want to turn this into a gripe blog, but these ads are killing my love for the NFL. Taste and restraint in selecting the ads needs to return not soon, but now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't let another Sunday go by without TIVO!! The commercials are the worst part of TV today and it seems that the networks don't really care about the demographics for any shows anymore. We got TIVO a couple of years ago and our family has boycotted commercials in the process!! It will allow you to watch shows on your schedule and watch shows in 2/3 of the time!

Some technology that will totally change your life!!