Sunday, September 6, 2009

God Of The Morning

I can get caught up in my own world of symptoms, side effects and economic factors. I sometimes forget that there are those with a similar vision and mission that have it much worse than me. I am grateful that God has not taken more from me. Yet Chris and I have one very important comfort. We have God to turn to in the weak times. When we wake up and feel more tired than when we went to bed, we have Him to renew us and speak words of comfort and strength. When the pain is constant and overwhelming, we have Someone Who suffered much pain to bring us to Him. He knows us, our situations, our discomfort and our hopes. He has promised to be with us always. He is near to us. He gives us each morning what we need. His eye is on us, even in the night watches. His hand protects us, even when we feel vulnerable. And when we are done, He will renew us with bodies that never see corruption. This hope will not disappoint us.

God, please bring strength Chris Klicka and his entire family during this time. Heal him, God. We know You are able to do this. Regenerate his body and make him whole so that he can bring You glory. Comfort him. Help him to see what You are doing and how You are using his situation. Be his peace during this time.

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