Monday, May 9, 2011

Living Pro-life, Living Proof

I am pro-life. I have been since age 6. I will be pro-life whenever I die, if I do. I am among the first children born in the era of the federalized SCOTUS pseudo-law, "Roe v. Wade."

That is ideology. I have very scientific and moral reasons for this belief. I also have a very scriptural foundation to believe that abortion and euthanasia are wrong and those who practice it, practice evil. It is what I believe to the core of my being. That is my ideology.

When it comes to walking that ideology out, it means my family and I raise funds for our local pregnancy ministry every Spring. We even show up to some meetings for donors. I write our representatives in congress. I even write our newspaper editor. We are pro-life.

But we've never been forced to make a decision like Craig and Jessica Council. Their story is intense, gut-wrenching and all-too-real.

They are pro-life, and like a doctor said, they lived every bit of it.

Living Pro-Life Living Proof graphic (c) Walden's Wits 2011

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