Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Free Market Education

Scary how Greenhut's sort of thinking is going mainstream (see previous post on Jonah Goldberg).

I wonder if the NEA has a contingency plan for this. Chances are that it would be like so many other disaster preparedness plans: hopelessly out-of-date (Call President Nixon and demand...) and completely out of touch with the people it's intended to protect (authorize additional payroll deductions from your salary to fund emergency lobbying...).

Stuff like this always pops up over the summer while school is out and parents are weighing their child's safety and evaluating their options. Still, I'm glad to see this stuff out there. It's time to question the public school monopoly on funds used to educate children. People have a right to a free market, especially when it comes to such an important task as educating their progeny.

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