Monday, March 9, 2009

Life And Death

In case you missed your memo from the ACLU, tomorrow, March 10th, is National Thank Your Abortion Provider Day. I'm not kidding. One week before the celebration of St. Patrick's Day, a Catholic saint, we have a celebration of death and destruction.

I'm trying to keep from being physically sick here.

If we're really going to celebrate death, why not a Jack Kevorkian day, or a 6 day long celebration of the Jewish Holocaust, one for every million people that Hitler killed? If we were to get really Malthusian about it, we could even give money to people that succeed in committing suicide during those days. That might seem too close to Muslim extremism, though. Wait a minute! Those guys kill lots of people. Like abortionists, these guys should have their own day too.

Forgive my sarcasm. This isn't about rights, people. It's about lives being cut apart and dismantled inside a mother's womb. What should be the safest place on earth is the most dangerous. Tell me that Satan isn't pleased by this twisted corrupting of creation. It should be mourned in the extreme, not celebrated.

God said to us long ago, "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." Choose Life. It's such a simple and natural directive. How long will we choose death and thank the executioner? How long?

More information and help:
And some original artwork with a point:


Amrita said...

Hi Steve got to you through Rest Ministries. What you are saying here is worth paying attention to and your other blog also. I will subscribe by bloglines.

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God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this article! I agree... if we have a holiday, so to say, for those who perform abortions where will the line stop?