Saturday, March 7, 2009

Twitty Observation

I'm a twit. My heart is a-twitter. There really is no good way to say that I'm tweeting lately. My latest tweet was actually quite good, but not fully developed. It should have said, "If I live by the pen, and the pen is mightier than the sword, then if those who live by the sword also die by the sword, then am I living dangerously?" Yikes! It's the attack of the aphorisms! Maybe I should wear my pithy helmet before I tweet.

I don't even know if the tweet has a logical conclusion. It's one of the dangers of twitter. You start off with the notion, develop the thought and by the time you've put half of it into the twitter box, it's a blinkin' blog post. One of my followers said it best when she said that to be a successful twitter-er, you have to be succinct, which--she says--she is not.

Ditto... I think.

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