This is inexcusable.
Now Citizen Baldwin has fouled up again. This time, according to Fox News, he was caught on tape calling his daughter, Ireland, "a rude, thoughtless pig." His profane, caustic tirade rips into her and her mother, ending with the promise that he will come out to Los Angeles to "straighten her out." Any behavior that a parent finds to be problematic requires a rebuke, but this goes far beyond the bounds of reasonable parental chastisement. Even in our anger, we parents have the ability and the duty to restrain ourselves from such destructive, abusive language.
We all say thoughtless things. We all regret rash words we've spoken in the heat of the moment. Yet Mr. Baldwin is an actor, someone trained and capable of emoting whatever the script may call for. As such a professional, he can calculate his delivery. Why he failed to do so in this case is a question none of us can answer. I know that if I had said such words to my daughter, it would devastate her. It would take her months to recover and she would have a lasting scar on her heart. I am sorry for such words aimed at any daughter. No daughter anywhere deserves such abuse, no matter her faults. A profanity-laced tirade only destroys what relationship a father might have left with his child. I'm not Dr. Phil, but even I know there are better ways to deal with bad behavior. Maybe Mr. Baldwin should look for help with his family here. Then again...I doubt he would listen to them.
I try not to pay attention to celebrities. Unfortunately, they have power in today's culture and as such, cannot be ignored easily. For good or ill, celebrities affect the way people think. I can't imagine having Alec Baldwin for a father. The histrionics of such a man would make life at home practically insane. The man allegedly swore that would leave the USA if George W. Bush was elected, and then reversed himself (just when I almost had enough to pay for his plane ticket).
We all say thoughtless things. We all regret rash words we've spoken in the heat of the moment. Yet Mr. Baldwin is an actor, someone trained and capable of emoting whatever the script may call for. As such a professional, he can calculate his delivery. Why he failed to do so in this case is a question none of us can answer. I know that if I had said such words to my daughter, it would devastate her. It would take her months to recover and she would have a lasting scar on her heart. I am sorry for such words aimed at any daughter. No daughter anywhere deserves such abuse, no matter her faults. A profanity-laced tirade only destroys what relationship a father might have left with his child. I'm not Dr. Phil, but even I know there are better ways to deal with bad behavior. Maybe Mr. Baldwin should look for help with his family here. Then again...I doubt he would listen to them.
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