Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Massacre

It's all over the news. Cho Seung-Hui, a South Korean student at Virginia Tech killed 32 people before committing suicide on the Virginia Tech campus yesterday. Sure to follow are questions that typically start with the word "why." Why did he kill people he apparently didn't know? Why did he attack someone in their dorm room? Why would God let this happen?

Having gone through the impact of Columbine on my own city and state, I know that the answers will be slow in coming, if they come at all. It's so painful to even contemplate the actions of this man. Apparently, he was cold and methodical in his attack and in his wake, he has left hundreds and thousands of grieving parents, siblings and friends.

Pray for the people in Virginia. Pray that God would use this tragedy to help many to come to a hope and a future in Him. Pray that the vultures that circle the campus would be denied any more victims. Pray also that the media circus that is sure to follow for the next few weeks would be restrained and respectful of everyone involved.

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