Monday, April 30, 2007

Reid Their Lips: No Lost War

I'm just a kid, really, when it comes to understanding history. I don't have the understanding that many more people many years my senior have gathered with their age. Yet when I consider that a politico from two states over declares emphatically, "This war is lost," I have reason to doubt him. History will judge Reid for his statements last week. I, for one, can't imagine Reid saying what he said to the thousands of men and women in our armed forces in Iraq right now, who have provided an informal response. If Usama bin Laden and Mullah Omar are high on their list of operatives to capture, Senator Reid may have displaced both with his remark.

Still, it's helpful to have a someone like Reid to straighten us out on winning and losing in war. A career politician from Searchlight, Nevada is completely qualified to make such a summary judgment of the situation. He is eminently more qualified than Bush, a former national guardsman used to training and combat drills. I mean what are those good for, anyway?

Sarcasm aside, I really wish the liberals and conservatives would both clam up and let the commanders and generals work the problem. Iraq is difficult enough to manage without having a gaggle of big-wigs second-guessing your decisions. Who knows? Maybe we'll see some real progress with the additional manpower. Pinching off the cashflow only hamstrings our troops and provides aid and comfort to the enemy. I'm truly frustrated that the political grandstanding by the Dhimmicrats has gone this far. Oh, and Sen. Liebermann, that does not include you.

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