Sunday, November 25, 2007

NFL Thoughts

Time is truly relative. One NFL minute is equal to 3 real minutes, unless it's at night where it's equal to 4.5 real minutes.

The NFL needs to get a clue about the advertisements they allow NBC, ESPN, CBS and especially Fox to air. For a father trying to teach his son about what makes a real, godly man, we want to see the game. We don't want to see Beyonce bump and grind, skimpy cheerleader outfits and hard-hitting ads for shows we would never let our kids watch. The good thing about winter is that it gives the cheerleaders an excuse to dress in something more than a bikini. Now it seems there's nothing the networks won't show, and they don't care about kids. They care about profits. The NFL has an interest in controlling the presentation, yet they don't seem to value them either. It's getting to where I'm about to pull the plug or record the games to skip this stuff.

If there is a dark, sinister force in the NFL, it is most at home with Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis. Few people fail to respect their staff more than him, fewer still will out-stoop him in foul play.

Though I would like to say Mile High, it is Arrowhead that is the most feared venue, no matter the season or the quality of the Chiefs.

At it's best, football is a sport that teaches strategic and tactical thinking. At it's worst, it teaches that a person's morals don't matter if they play the game well. This is why I respect Broncos head coach Mike Shanahan for including how the person behaves off the field in his decision making.

Whoops. Broncos are on. Gotta go.


Anonymous said...

I have a friend in Denver who will sometimes say "give me a minute"...her family always asks her "A real minute, or a Mommy minute"?

I asked what's a Mommy Minute when I virst vacationed at their home...I was told "a mommy minute is slightly more productive then a football minute".


I use that ALL THE TIME now!

I agree with the rest of your post...between on the couch and eating, I saw some glimpses on the t.v. during the game that I felt like I wasn't old enough to watch! My girls and I love football, but I am not comfortable with those "images" either.

The Butlers said...

I don't know if this online petition works for zip codes outside of Illinois, but you could try to add your voice to many others requesting cleaner NFL broadcast advertisements.

And then enjoy the big game!

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

One word: DVR (or VHS or whatever your method)

Not always easy when you want to see things in real time (even if it's football time) but it's worth cutting out the commercials and the halftime show.