Monday, November 3, 2008

Exceeding Abundantly

Did you ever have an experience where you were just available. and God used you for something that you never expected but always had hoped?

In the days of high school, I was assigned to write a short story. I went with what I knew. The plot was transparent, and the pacing was slow. In the end, the peer-review of my story confirmed my fear: I would never be a writer, and I certainly could never be taken seriously in a fiction endeavor.

Then one morning, I woke up early and wrote Escaping the Homeschooling Matrix. My heart had been burdened for my wife and so many others who were facing the awesome and fear-laden burden of homeschooling their children. I saw them trapped, pinned inside of an artificial box. I knew they could escape, but I didn't know that I held one of the answers until I was actually done with the story.

Then later that morning, someone read my post and sent it to a friend who liked it so much, they wanted to publish it in their magazine, The Old Schoolhouse. Fast forward to today, where the story appears here. Wow! I am really amazed at the incredible graphics! I'm grateful they've invested so much into the story!

From this, I've learned that God will use you if you make yourself available and willing to be used in the way He wants to use you. Sometimes you have to wait a few years, but don't quit asking!

And to all those moms (and dads) out there that have read my story, thanks! I pray God uses it to make your homeschooling experience what He wants it to be. Matthew 11:28-30 "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve: It's a FANTASTIC article. God certainly blessed you when you penned it! Thank you for sharing with us.
