Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fox and Hen, Predator and Prey

If you put enough hens together, sooner or later, the foxes show up. They will always go to where they are sure to get a meal. I'm reminded of this every time I read about another abuse caught at another school. The ones that need defense and protection--children--are put in concentrations so thick--schools--that any negligence is just begging to be taken advantage of.

Punitive damages cannot erase the sense of violation that some of the children feel. Most disturbing is the knowledge that it will happen again. It's not a question of whether it will or not. I am angered by this, because I know this sort of injustice. The enemy has used it in my life too. In 1980, disco still hadn't died, Ronald Reagan was elected President, and I was exposed to a page from a Playboy magazine stolen from a classmate's 16 year-old brother. It would be several years until I learned about reproduction and the mechanics of it all, but my innocence and blissful ignorance of such things didn't survive 2nd grade.

There is no cure-all and there's no sure-fire way to protect your children from this, even if you homeschool. We are locked in a battle against an enemy we cannot see, but we can discern him if we are wakeful and watchful. Prayer goes a long way to defending ourselves and advancing His kingdom. Holding on to God's Word is critical. There is no substitute to putting it before our eyes and in our ears.

I don't have all the solutions but I know that modeling this for our children is invaluable. Hypocrisy is toxic, and most children can sniff it a mile away. Hold to your first Love and don't grow weary, my God shall supply all your needs and you'll reap a harvest of righteousness.

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