Monday, August 27, 2007

Crime and Punishment

Being a father, my heart goes out to Mark Lunsford. I can't imagine how he keeps going. My prayers are with him and his family.

The death sentence, if carried out, would be as much justice as possible for Couey. I contemplate the horrific death of Jessica Lunsford and I can't imagine a punishment harsh enough her murderer. Yet, some part of me knows that while I haven't committed any crime like Couey, I would be just as sinful in God's sight. I have broken God's law and if you break part of it, you have broken all of it. I know that Couey is still a human being and that he has his own story of pain. We may want to believe that mankind is good, that man will grow beyond this state, but when you consider that acts like these have been recorded for millennia, is it possible that man could ever change without God? I don't think so. God needs to restore all things before we can ever hope to emerge from this nightmare.

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