Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Berkeley Council Tells Marines They're Not Welcome

Update 2/8/08: I was actually right.

This is pathetic. The mayor and city council of Berkeley, California are astoundingly unprofessional. If a private citizen were to do this to another individual, it would be called harassment. Why is it acceptable if it's two public entities? Maybe the military needs a "don't invite, don't defend" policy.

In the preamble of the U.S. Constitution, governments are instituted to "provide for the common defense" and to "ensure domestic tranquility." Now, if the Constitution applies to city government, the Berkeley city council is effectively abandoning such a charge and betraying their citizens. The plight of the neighbors around this recruiting station is unbelievable. Instead of getting relief from protesters by the appealing to their city council, the tenants are effectively without help.

Why not pass a law banning the recruiting station outright? I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with Federal money supporting the City of Berkeley, California.

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