Monday, October 8, 2007

Living With A Scaredy Cat

I have a 3 year-old cat named Tuxedo. He's a Manx (rhymes with banks) mix and we deliberately chose his breed because Manx are "low allergy" cats and my allergy to cats is strong. I've had eyes swell shut on me because of cat dander, and Manx for whatever reason don't have that kind of dander, or at least not enough to set me off.

Unfortunately, Tuxedo or "Tux" and I got off on the wrong paw and he's afraid of me. If I come downstairs, he dashes into hiding. If he comes into the room, I can't make any sudden movements or he's outta there. I've tried making up with him numerous times, but he can't seem to shake it off. I'll hold my hands out to pet him or even gently approach him and pet him, stroking his fur and rubbing underneath his chin. Any Burmese or any dog for that matter would take an "all-is-forgiven" attitude with me in a heartbeat. Not this cat; he refuses.

At the moment, Tux is lying five feet from me, observing life out our window (or, watching Cat TV, as I call it). A movement of my feet or a rolling of my chair and it's Goodbye Kitty. I want to pick that cat up and cuddle him. I want to rub all around his head, his cheeks, ears, and chin. Much as I want to, he won't let me get near him enough to lavish him with this affection. A pet, a touch is all I get. He won't relax and he'll bolt at the chance. It has been this way for much of his adult life. I'm not sure if he resents me, if he's angry with me, or if he simply fears me. The only message I get is "STAY AWAY!"

It's sad, but I begin to understand how God often feels with us. He wants to be near us, to stroke us under our chins, so to speak. He wants to lavish us with His affection, yet so often we bolt, we hide or we won't let Him get close. We refuse to be still and let Him near us, choosing busyness and hold Him at arm's length with our unrepentant hearts. His heart aches, longing to hold us in his arms and let us rest, stop and relax, yet we refuse, feeling unworthy or angry. We may feel his touch and yet we bolt or jump away at the nearest opportunity. Why? If we would just let Him love us and let ourselves linger in His arms, we would find that acceptance and deep comfort that only He can give us.

Isaiah 30:15, 18 says,
This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it. ..."
Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
he rises to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him!
When God moves, let him pick you up and hold you. That's his heart for you. He wants to give you a good "scratch behind the ears" and soothe you. It gives Him joy to do that with you. Just be still and know that He is God.

Link to Jamin's insightful thoughts about this

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just blogged about this blog post! LOL

Here is the link:
