Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The High and Daring Road of Faith

I grew up in Colorado and for years, my father and I took the back country roads and trails. Some were state highways. Some were about as wide as three finger-widths. Now, some 30 years after those adventures began, for the last two and a half years, my family has been experiencing financial difficulties. In terms of faith, this has been one of those high and daring roads, one that's three finger-widths from disaster.

This afternoon, we received word that the decision we've been waiting for has been made, but due to legal reasons, we won't know what the decision is for a day or two. This news comes to us as we are trying to keep our house from foreclosure.

There is not one moment we haven't depended on God to take care of us . He has given us everything we've needed by every source imaginable when we've needed it. Walking out this faith has not been easy for us, and our children are witnessing the high and low points of it all. If nothing else, this is giving our children an empirical knowledge of God and how He works in people's lives.

Since receiving the news, my wife and I sat down with the kids and told them the news about our mortgage company's latest demand as well as the impending decision. I told the kids that no matter what happens, we need to keep our eyes on God as our provider. God's ability to provide for us doesn't depend on the will of a few people. We just have to wait and be obedient. We all prayed together as a family and afterwards all three kids (even our 4 year old) told us that they felt the Holy Spirit telling them that God will make a way to provide for us. That makes everything we've been through worth it! It thrills me to know that they are learning to trust Him, not just learning to trust an employer or a bank account. I wouldn't have picked this road for my family if I had a choice, but I'm glad that God knows where we're at. He knows our names. We have put our faith in Him. He continues to lead us on this high and daring road.

To be continued...

1 comment:

Laura Paxton said...

The faith of a child is an amazing thing to behold! Can't wait to see what God has in store for you!